Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29th

Enjoying a lovely bowel cleanse today... I keep telling myself some people pay big bucks for these sort of treatments at the high-dollar salons. This is what I call pampering at its finest!! :-)

Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28th

Yesterday was quite an emotionally charged day... what it was, I don't know, but I was all over the place. I went to mass with my mom in the AM and cried thru the entire mass. My mom asked me a couple times if I was OK. I was totally OK, but the tears kept coming. I finally decided we were in the weepy pew as I noticed a couple down the row was having issues of their own. The women kept crying and her husband was trying to comfort her. It reminded me that we all have struggles. Following mass, the moms, Randy, Kendra and I all went to an early dinner at Cinzetti's for my birthday. Good as always. When we were leaving, I saw a very young girl, probably 10 years old or so, in an electric wheelchair. That sent me into another crying spell, but it made me think that I really don't have it so bad. I will get thru this and my life will return to normal... I just need to give it time and practice patience.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 25th

Rec'd clearance!!! All is set for Wednesday!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 24th

Received a call from my surgeon's office yesterday saying I needed a Cardiac Consult/Clearance for Surgery because my EKG came back borderline abnormal, and I cannot have this surgery until I get cleared. They recommended me to a cardiac specialist who's first available appointment was in August. Uh no... not postponing this surgery if at all avoidable. Called my GP, and the scheduler said that they could do this and could get me in tomorrow (Thursday). OK... felt like I was getting somewhere only to discover an hour later that they don't do the consult/clearance, but they do do EKG's for pre-surgery physicals. They finally got me in with a cardiac specialist for tomorrow (Friday). My GP's nurse said a borderline EKG could be caused by a number of things, but I'm hoping it's just stress. Please wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23rd

Tick, tock... a week from today, and I'll be in surgery. I am so incredibly anxious. Wish I could move my surgery date up just to get things going. I hadn't really thought about the surgery much until a couple weeks ago and now it's all I seem to think of. I think part of it is because I am not working and my mind has a lot of free time to wander. I try to put the thought of cancer out of my mind, but I am constantly reminded of it. I was actually reading a Danielle Steele book (fast, easy read) and was completely enjoying it until the antagonist was killed off by cancer. Good grief... didn't see that coming. LOL!

I'm going to get this day going and make it a point to make it a good one. I love the hot summer days, and today is going to be a sizzler. Enjoy and stay cool!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 20th

I can't believe that this coming Wednesday will be six weeks since my last chemo and radiation treatments and then my surgery is the following Wednesday!!! Where has the time gone?

I am getting really anxious about this surgery. I was just at Shawnee Mission Medical Center on Friday for some pre-surgery testing. EKG, gave MORE blood, did some x-rays, etc, etc and went over surgery and recovery. The nurse told me the details of the surgery (I am a bit freaked) and to expect to possibly be in the hospital for anywhere from 6 to 10 days... before I'd been told 5 to 7 days so I'm curious to find out how long it will really be. I knew this was pretty major surgery, but I've been "putting it out of my mind" so I didn't have to think about it. It sounds like I am going to be completely out of commission for all of July and most, if not all, of August. Good grief!

I cannot express enough how much I appreciate everyone's prayers and kind words. I recieved a message on Facebook from a grade school/high school friend who's husband had cancer, and she advised me "to stay in the moment at all times". I cannot tell you how right on she is. In reality, if I think about this too much, it's very worrisome and the "what if's" scare me more than you can even imagine. Thankfully, I've been feeling pretty good the last few days which helps my overall well-being. Did a day trip yesterday with the mom's and Randy to Springfield, MO to check out Fantastic Caverns. Fun, fast trip...

Happy Father's Day to all and hope you have a terrific week! Take care!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16th

Good morning!

I have started a blog... I think it might be the best way to keep everyone
posted on my situation.


Thanks for your concern and prayers. I appreciate everything!

Take care!

June 15th

I have been up since 4 AM... not sleeping well. I am doing ok, but I'm extremely anxious about the upcoming surgery scheduled for June 30th at Shawnee Mission Medical Center. According to my surgeon, I'll be in the hospital for 5-7 days. I've been off the chemo and radiation for almost a month now and was told to enjoy this period because this is the best I'll probably feel for about 6 weeks following the surgery. This time has been less than blissful... have had a few issues causing some major discomfort, but I am getting thru them. I knew cancer wouln't be fun, but I never imagined all the things that could and would happen. Following the surgery, I'll be laid up for about 6 weeks and will be back on chemo for 4 and a half months. I so wish I could push a fast forward button and get this over.

Went to Dallas for Memorial Day and the Lake of the Ozarks last weekend. Wonderful times with loved friends. Now if we could just stop the rain!

I'll keep you posted on the surgery. Sincerely thanks for all your prayers and words of encouragement. I can feel God's presence, and it is wonderful!

Take care!


May 26th

Hello to all!

I am so glad to see the sun shining and the warm weather returning! It's wonderful!

Beginning to feel a bit back to normal. Still do not have a ton of energy or stamina and still taking my daily naps, but I'm beginning to get out and about. I love it! Can't believe this weekend is Memorial Day weekend. Randy and I are Dallas bound for the holiday, and I am so looking forward to spending time with some dear friends!

Things have been rather quiet since my treatments have ended. I am anxious about the surgery scheduled for June 30th and am ready to get it over. Still going to the doctor weekly for blood work, and my numbers are right where they should be.

I appreciate all the prayers. I can honestly say I feel them and know I am wrapped in God's blessings.

Hope everyone has a great holiday weekend. Take care!


May 13th

Radiation and Chemo are over!!! Yippee! I'm still very tired and VERY sore. I hope to be feeling half way normal come next week. I am so ready to get back at it. The daily naps are great, but I miss seeing and talking to people. I saw a commercial the other day about babies reading flash cards. I honestly thought about trying it with my dogs. Now, you tell me, am I bored?

Surgery is scheduled for June 30th. Just found out I'll be in hospital for 5-7 days. WOW!... had no idea I'd be in for that long. I believe I'll be at Shawnee Mission Medical Center. I'll let you know more about this as I know.

Hope all my midwest friends are surviving the crazy weather. Stay safe and love to all!


May 5th

Where, oh where does the time go? I cannot believe it's already May 5th. To anyone out celebrating Cinco de Mayo, I am SO jealous! Cannot wait until I can resume a halfway normal lifestyle! Having cancer is defnitely time consuming. Daily it's doctors, labs, appointments, naps, doctors, labs, appointments, naps, etc, etc. I like the afternoon naps. I think our parents where on to something when we all got daily naps and snacks without it seeming unusual.

I found out for certain that I finish up chemo next Tuesday and radiation on Wednesday. Can't believe I am on the downhill side of this pre-operative chemo and radiation. I felt like the sky opened and a light descended yesterday when I was getting the news from my doctors. Besides the port thing and a few side effects, I have pretty much sailed thru this without extreme difficulty. I crack up because my team is constantly saying I am "sure perky". Following this pre-operative stuff, I have a 6 week resting period before surgery. The reason for this is to let my body get back on track and the cancer cells continue to die for 6 weeks following the last radiation treatment. Fingers crossed the surgery goes off with out a hitch.

Nothing much else going on... just counting down the days. Again, thanks for all your prayers and well wishes.

Take care!


April 24th


I hope this finds you all doing well!

I apologize for the lack of updates, but the past couple weeks have been something. Started my chemo and radiation two weeks ago this past Thursday. Besides irritated lips and some stomach issues, I had been feeling pretty good until late last week when I started experiencing some pretty major upper body pain. I didn't know if it was muscle fatigue or what. All the doctors agreed that it must have something to do with the chemo, but we just chalked it up to my body adjusting to the chemo. This past week, the pain was getting a bit ridiculous. I was having problems sleeping, breathing and moving around. On Thursday, my chemo doc ordered some tests on my port, and it turns out my port had a hole in it. I was immediately taken off the chemo because instead of all of the chemo going into my bloodstream, some of it was escaping from the catheter into my chest cavity. The chemo was burning my chest tissues, and this is what was causing all the pain. The existing port was removed and a new port was put in on other side of my chest Friday. I'm on furlough from chemo for the weekend and have been doing nothing except sleeping and popping ibuprofen since I got home from the hospital yesterday. I am already feeling some relief from the "chemo chest pain"... thank God! From what I understand, the chances of something like this happening are extremely rare, but why, oh why, couldn't I won this past week's Power Ball if I am going to have rare things happen to me? I guess I have too many teeth... you'll understand what I'm referring to if you've seen a picture of the recent PB winner.

I wanted to thank everyone again for the special thoughts, prayers and everything! I love hearing from everyone!! As before, many of you have asked if you can bring dinner or whatever. Following is a link to a dinner calendar: http://www.brownbearsw.com/freecal/Lusk?KW=Lusk;Op=ShowIt&Date=2010-05-01 Again, do not feel obligated!!!!!

Talk to you all soon and take care!


April 11th

Good morning!

What a beautiful weekend! I hope this lovely spring weather lasts!

Started chemo and radiation last week. So far, so good. The only chemo side effect I am feeling is fatigue. Very, very tired. Other than that, practically nothing. Randy's birthday was Friday. Had family over for pizza and many desserts. A very nice evening. Went to the Royals game on Saturday and was absolutely beat by the time we left the game. Sunday morning, went back to bed after I puttered around the house a bit and slept until almost 1:30!

A lot of you are asking what you can do and if I want company to my chemo appointments. Thank you! I luckily only have to go in and "sit" for chemo once a week because I have this pump that provides chemo 24/7. The radiation appointments are super fast... I'm in and out in a matter of 20 minutes. The only side effect I am feeling from the radiation is a warm, flushed feeling that comes on in the afternoon and lasts thru the evening. The warm feeling and fatigue almost makes me feels like I've been at the pool all day. Wish that was the case!

I love your all's emails and suggestions. Special thank you to Carol Crass for letting me know about the Clean House for Chemo Patients program. I'm definitely going to take advantage of this. Also, one of my dear neighbors suggested setting up a dinner schedule just a couple nights a week. If you are interested in this, please email Tiffany Shalberg at tshalberg@yahoo.com. Please do not feel obligated to do anything!!!!... I am just happy to have your support.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

Take care!


April 7th

Good morning!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend and is doing well. We had brunch at Cinzetti’s with family and friends. First time there, and I know it won’t be my last. I highly recommend it!

Quick update: Met with my chemo and radiation team again on Monday and then had the chemo port put in Monday afternoon. Out patient surgery. Was a bit sore yesterday, but thankfully, I had some decent pain killers. Slept off and on for most of the day. This morning, I am feeling pretty decent. Going to go out and do a few things I need to get done before I start chemo and radiation tomorrow. Anxious to get the treatments started and see how I feel.

I’ll keep you all posted.

Take care!

April 1rst

Some of you know… some of you don’t.

I have been diagnosed with Stage 3 Rectal Cancer (so glamorous, huh?… but no cancer is). I just found out last week that I had cancer and am learning more each day.

History: Lost a significant amount of blood out my ass (got a call it like it was) on St. Pat’s Day when returning back to work from lunch. Luckily, I made it to the bathroom. J Called doctor and they had me come in immediately. Had a colonoscopy a week later, last Wednesday. Got back preliminary pathology reports on Thursday indicating invasive cancer. They didn’t know if it was colon cancer or rectal cancer so they sent me in for a CT scan. Had CT scan on Friday. Met w/surgeon Monday AM. He said I have rectal cancer and cancer has spread to my lymph nodes. Does not appear to be any cancer in my liver or lungs which is good. Tumor is about the size of a tennis ball.

Doctors are being very aggressive in their treatment. Plan of action is chemo and radiation for 5 weeks followed by chemo/radiation recovery for 6 weeks. Following that, I will then have then surgery to remove the tumor and lymph nodes followed with another round of chemo. Don’t know how long that round will last.

Met with Radiation doctor Monday afternoon. Met with both Chemo and Radiation doctors yesterday, Wednesday… had a bit of a breakdown. Reality sucks! I’ll have radiation M-F and a chemo pump (which I’ll wear and have with me the entire time) for 5 weeks. Having a second colonoscopy today (wish this was an April Fool’s joke, but it’s not) because surgeon wants to see everything first hand. Following colonoscopy, have to go do lab work for chemo port surgery. Scheduled to have chemo port put in on Monday. They hope to start chemo and radiation on Tuesday.

Yesterday was a long day… at doctors offices for the entire day. I am still exhausted this AM. Lots to digest.

I am actually excited to have a doctor free day tomorrow. I appreciate everyone’s well wishes, support, and prayers, and I’ll keep you posted.
