Sunday, August 1, 2010

August 1rst

Another week has passed... for someone who isn't doing much, I don't know where the time goes. Overall the week was good. Each day I feel a bit better and am able to do more each day. Had a great day on Friday. My mom and niece came over and we watched movies, made tacos, and made jewelry. I was actually up for the full day. Wow, that's an accomplishment. The weekend has been quiet. Don't know what happened last night, but I didn't sleep a wink. Watched TV all night... Runaway Bride, Larry King, Nancy Grace, Joy Behar, a couple hours of Lockup. At least night time TV is better than daytime TV. Been napping off and on all day. Watched the 40-year old virgin earlier. LOL funny!

My stitches are all starting to dissolve, and my stomach incision is looking better than I thought it would. My tummy is still swollen, but it's almost back to normal. Drove yesterday. First time to drive since June 30th. Felt like I should have had an adult driver with me to supervise. Can't believe it's already August and just cannot believe I missed July. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and keep in touch!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny,
    It's always good to hear how you're doing. Glad you're getting your strength back each day and your body is feeling much better. The movie, taco and jewelry day sounded likea fun events, even while lying low. It's nice you had some company. I'm sure Joan and Gabby were fun guests!!
    Big hugs from Joe and I. Love you, Cathy
